About Us

Why Choose Us?

Making Your Child's World Better!

Tunaweza Children’s Centre (Tunaweza) is an early childhood intervention Centre for children with special needs providing them with access to therapy and education programs. The Centre has a multi displinary team working with children with developmental delays ranging from mild learning disabilities to profound cognitive conditions that include but not limited to conditions like autism, downs syndrome, cerebral palsy, attention deficit hypertension disorder, dyslexia and other forms of delays.

Our Core Values

Professionalism . Excellency . Non-Discrimination . Patience . Integrity . Teamwork

Our Vision

Strive to empower children with special needs in the region to reach their full potential.

Our Mission

Tunaweza’s mission is “to empower children with various disabilities through tailored curriculums of excellent therapy services and providing sufficient resources, information, training and support to the children, their families and communities”.


The Tunaweza Children’s Center welcomes children with disabilities of all ages to enroll in our services


We believe in the inherent value of each child and treat each child and family with dignity.


We respect the cultural importance of family


We believe advocating for children with special needs will insure they can become thriving members of our country


We believe in providing children with special needs appropriate and effective therapy and care that will promote their ability to achieve their full potential. We are passionate in our work, serving with our hearts, mind, body and strength


Our programs and services prepare our children so they can live more independent lives and exceed society’s expectations

Our Activity

What We Do

Here at the Tunaweza Children’s Centre, we are interested in connecting our families and their children with experienced professionals in the fields of special education, physical, occupational, and speech and language therapies, and counseling

Child Assessment & Treatment Plans
Speech and Language Therapy
Occupational & Behavioral Therapy
Music Therapy
Special Education (Individualized Education Plan)
Art Therapy
Social Psychology Team

Our Team Success

Meet The Team

The Tunaweza Children’s Centre proudly hosts a full time Ugandan and international staff as well as a rotating staff of American volunteers.  We believe that our multicultural and international staff helps to promote an environment of continual growth, cultural sensitivity, and improvement.

The Board

The Center’s Board of Directors is made up of Five persons (5) and 2 dedicated professionals who also serve as development partners. The Board gives direction to management and ensures that Center activities are implemented as planned.

Pamela Titi

Chief Executive Officer / Founder

Sheila Sabune

Managing Partner / Co-Founder

Our Staff

The Tunaweza Children’s Centre proudly hosts a full time Ugandan and international staff as well as a rotating staff of volunteers. We believe that our multicultural and international staff helps to promote an environment of continual growth, cultural sensitivity, and knowledge exchange.


Since its establishment, Tunaweza Children’s Centre has incorporated international volunteers as indispensable staff members who provide support and capacity building through exchange of knowledge and experiences

Internships & Coop Programs

The Centre offers internship placements and co-op programs for
local and international universities. Professional learning experiences are in research, physical, occupational speech and language therapy. This offers meaningful and practical work related to the student’s field of study and gives a student the opportunity for career exploration and development of practical skills.

Join Us

Enroll your child

Our day program is perfect for children on school holiday or with needs for multiple therapies.  The program follows a set schedule that allows children to engage in other appropriate activities between their hour-long therapy sessions.